Bathroom Sink Weird Bathroom Sink Norm Or Weird?

Bathroom sink norm or weird? - bathroom sink weird

Is it normal that my cats enjoy bathing in the tub? I'm worried, because they are still so small, I fear, you can bother you are there or even lower. It has already fallen in the toliet once (it was a little funny)


vsweetta... said...

haha my cat loves the toilet gear, and it is a very small kitten ... I do not know why they like ... As some like to ride in a small shoebox .. but .. Yes, it is normal. I do not think that cats are not likely to hurt agile, but if you're too busy to teach him not to do or cause them when you're there, which may be on them, but serious doubts about the The existence of these gona hurt. :)

Kathryn said...

It is not unusual. Cats love the freshness of Porcelin (), especially in summer and like to cuddle in tight spots that sink a nice place for them. My cat likes to drink the tap running slowly duration.

Have you seen The Mean Kitty Song? This kind of cats like to sleep) in the sink (link below.

eyJude said...

it's cool ... (I mean temp)
I did it ... and the other placed in the bathtub.
It is quite normal.
Keep the lid closed in the bathroom, and they do not fall in. ..
Or learn to waste.

Please have your cat neutered spayed /
(ps I tell everyone ... not just you)

dying to be a mommy said...

is normal, because its kool

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